CSS, Hosting, CMS

  1. The Power of CSS


From a previous knowledge of CSS, I knew that you can change how your website looks, but I didn’t think there was much animation involved. I found a really great site that showed 30 examples of different kinds of animation that is possible with CSS. Most of them worked with my up to date Firefox browser. There are more effects used with the Opera browser, but most people don’t use that one. Hovering options, navigation buttons/bars, and transitions seemed to be the most popular effects used. Since I don’t know any other script, I might have to give these a try when working on my own portfolio website.

  1. Shared Web Hosting


This is kind of a boring topic for me, but when having a website web hosting is an important step. I never bought my own domain name or set up hosting a site before. If I were to start the process myself, I would google “best shared web hosting” to see the most popular results. I would choose a site that was inexpensive and had really good customer reviews. When buying things online, cheap isn’t always better. Watch out for scams and fraudulent companies.

  1. Content Management Systems


I took Laura’s WordPress class last semester and really loved it. I have never used WordPress and didn’t know what it was before that. I just thought it was a place to put up boring blogs and it’s not very useful. The capabilities of CMS can change how business owners run a website. You don’t even need to know code and the changes are uploaded instantly! To get what you want and set your business apart from the rest, I suggest you pay the yearly fee because it will be well worth it.

  1. Mobile Website


Over half of internet users are using their phones to access the internet. Having a mobile version of your website is a huge deal and can make or break your customers. It is possible to use a desktop version on your phone or tablet, but it can make things difficult because of the smaller size and constant scrolling. When making a mobile or tablet friendly website, make all of your navigation big and accessible. Don’t clutter it up too much or put too much copy on it. Make your text and fonts readable just as if you were designing a desktop version. Simplicity is the key when creating mobile websites.

  1. Viral Video Advertising


Most recently I participated in the greatest viral marketing video of all time; the ice bucket challenge. Even though this challenge wasn’t made up by the ALS association, it brought awareness and donations that were well needed. It was unique, cool, and everyone participated because you didn’t want to be left out. I did the challenge not because someone challenged me, but I have an aunt suffering from this disease. She appreciated the support my family was giving her. This was emotional marketing that touched a lot of hearts.

CRAP Design

  1. Proximity


When Laura was talking about “CRAP,” the only word that didn’t seem clear to me was proximity. I see this word being used in 2 different ways. One instance would be using negative space. Having white space on your webpage is a good thing. It gives the viewer’s eyes a sense of direction and priority. Another example is when using hierarchy. Most of your important content should be at the top of the page and as the page scrolls on, the significance of the information will decrease.

  1. Multimedia


There are many advantages and disadvantages to using multimedia. One good advantage is that videos can show the benefits of your product or service. The downside to videos is the viewer’s operating system. If you have an older version of Flash or Quicktime, videos might not play. Online service for videos such as Youtube is best for showing videos because they work on multiple platforms. When making a website, bandwidth is an important factor. Video files are bigger than photos. Consider customers that have a slower internet connection.

  1. User Interface or User Experience


UX design is creating a website or app with the customer in mind. A UX designer can do a multiple of things to achieve the look they are looking for. One is wire framing. A wireframe is a comp or basic layout of their site or app. They are trying to obtain consistency within each page. Another example of their job might be to do user testing. Select people in your target audience that might be interested in using your site. Talk to them and have them try out the web design or layout. Did any of them struggle to find something or were there no problems at all? Knowing your audience’s likes and dislikes can propose success for your company.

  1. Mood Boards


When designing anything for a client, it is hard to put into words exactly what you vision in your head. This is when a mood board would come in handy. On a mood board you can put colors, fonts, layout and pictures to get the “feel” of what you are trying to portray. Don’t think of this as a waste of time. This can help you and the client move faster in the design development. There are a few different apps and software that can assist your mood board making. Pinterest is a great free tool that can be very beneficial to your inspiration.

  1. Rule of 7


The average American sees thousands of advertising’s daily. How many times do the ads have to be shown to you for you to remember a certain product? Probably a lot. Instead of thinking of how many times, marketers say it is the meaning of the ads that make the purchase. This article says there are seven hurtles instead of seven rules. Awareness, need, price, and time are all factors that customers and sellers think about. Seeing the same commercial on TV every ten minutes doesn’t make me want to buy it more, it annoys me more than anything. The cute, funny commercials are the ones that stick out for me. Honestly, I think the rule of seven is dead.